News Briefs

Ballot measures address MUNI, school board, housing

The June 2022 election could include a number of local ballot measures, addressing matters such as the city’s controversial school board, Muni service, and affordable housing.

Perhaps the one likely to garner the most attention is the Children First measure, announced by Mayor Breed in mid-December. Though part of the measure will streamline the delivery of funding and services aimed at children and youth, the meat of the measure focuses on the School Board. Children First would require the board to meet goals in fiscal oversight, separation of duties, community engagement, governance standards, strategy, and professional development. The School Board would need to report on its compliance each year to the mayor and the Board of Supervisors. The measure requires a majority of supervisors to vote by February 2022 to place it on the June ballot.

Breed also introduced a $400 million Muni Reliability and Street Safety Bond, which needs eight supervisors to place it on the ballot and then a two-thirds approval by voters. Six supervisor votes are needed to place the Affordable Homes Now measure on the ballot; this measure would streamline approval for new housing projects of at least 25 units that are either 100 percent permanently affordable or with 15 percent more units that are permanently affordable than required by the city. 

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