The start of a new year is an ideal time to reflect on the previous 12 months. For someone who reviews movies, that means assembling a best-of-the-previous-year list. So without fu... Read More
The cinema subgenre of foodie movies may be an acquired taste (sorry), but it’s sizeable and engaging enough that I actually wrote an entire column about it in November 2014. Now... Read More
As we sink deeper into autumn and the end of October looms, the thoughts of many Americans — young and old — turn to Halloween, the spookiest holiday of the year (unless you’... Read More
Some time back, I was at my Russian Hill abode with friends to watch a VHS tape of a 1974 buddy movie about two San Francisco police detectives who don’t play by the book. (Yes,... Read More
In the middle of what an old Nat “King” Cole tune referred to as “those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer,” certain folks choose to take a break from the heat in a nice, air... Read More