Third: the Bay Area has the nation’s third largest homeless population in the United States . . . Second: If Silicon Valley were a country, it would be the second-richest nation in the world . . . $500 million: value of an affordable housing bond, which would appear on the November 2019 ballot if approved by the Board of Supervisors
. . . 17 percent: increase in homelessness in San Francisco over the past two years . . . 2015–18: during that timespan, the retail vacancy rate in North Beach more than doubled . . . $15 million: annual increase in city funding for City College to continue the Free City College program for 10 years . . . 210,000: number of San Francisco residents on public benefits who are eligible for a city program this summer providing free admission to more than 15 museums and cultural institutions . . . 1,899: number of auto burglaries in the Northern Station region year-to-date until May 19 (a year earlier, the number was 1,990).
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